Are We Making Things Worse? Meeting the Challenge of Treating Perioral Dermatitis

Redness and an increased sensitivity of the skin around the mouth, especially after contact with food and skin care preparations are the most common symptoms of perioral dermatitis. Inflammations may also appear in the form of tiny bumps. A common problem for many people, perioral dermatitis is difficult for skin care providers to treat, and for the person affected, the irritating symptoms are persistent and quite frustrating. What are we to do for our clients to ease their suffering?

Fast, but often not sustainable relief.

 In most cases the dermatologist has already been contacted at an early stage and topical antibiotics have been prescribed. In order to get a handle on the inflammation, corticoids are also prescribed. Corticoids guarantee fast relief, however, they tend to trigger boomerang effects in the long run, since they make skin even more sensitive than it was when the problem began. The common scenario: shortly after discontinuing medications, the same problems start all over again.

Taking the road called minimal.

 Frequently anaerobic bacteria (living without oxygen) are involved in the flare-ups of perioral dermatitis, similar to acne and rosacea. Hence, lipid-enriched creams are contraindicated for the care of this condition because they result in the proliferation of bacteria below the external lipid film. The consequence of this increase in bad bacteria under the cream is ever-worsening inflammation and bumps. To get a handle on skin completely out of balance requires giving it a rest from all skin care creams. The challenge comes, however, when the skin may feel tense and become chapped in the beginning of the recovery process. That said, if a cream must be used, it is advised to apply Oleogel R, minimally!

Keeping treatment focused and simple.

 The first step in recovery is to focus on inhibiting the key enzymes of the inflammation process (protease, reductase, and lipoxygenase). Dermaviduals pure concentrate, Boswellia nanoparticles, can be applied directly to affected area. An outstanding product for the battle against inflamed skin, it also aids in the care of barrier disordered skin. Applying small amounts of Dermaviduals Liposome Concentrate Plus is also beneficial. A highly enriched phosphatidylcholine in a liposomal dispersion, Liposome Concentrate Plus has the naturally occurring antimicrobial azelaic acid.

Another helpful option is our ready-made product, Oleogel R, which is specifically designed to care for skin prone to perioral dermatitis and rosacea. This product has a dosage of lipids to help heal the disordered skin barrier. Even though the use of lipid-rich skin care products can be counterproductive as a rule (because of the anaerobic germs that are present), Oleogel R possesses maximal lipid content without this disadvantage. Essential gamma linolenic acid, azelaic acid, boswellic acid, and betulinic acid serve and support prevention of inflammatory skin reactions. The urea serves as an anti-itching agent. Because of the essential fatty acids in the ingredients, Oleogel R should be applied in the evening.

After remission of the inflammation, vitamin treatments to repair the skin barrier and connective tissue is suggested. To complete the healing process, a serum made from Dermaviduals Base Gel, adding the actives Vitamin B Liposome Concentrate, Vitamin A nanoparticles, and D-Panthenol will support regeneration of the skin and stimulate cell and collagen formation. You can also use Complexion skin care liposomes plus. This outstanding product contains tranexamic acid that stabilizes damaged blood capillaries and reduces severity of redness. It is important to remember that liposomal or nano-dispersal solutions considerably improve the bioavailability of active agents.

Closing thoughts.

 After the skin has been soothed and healing has taken place, barrier active creams can gradually be applied, sparingly. In order to avoid a reoccurrence of the flare up, keep your treatment and follow-up as simple as possible. When dealing with the over sensitivity that comes with perioral dermatitis, the principle of simplicity is even more important. Taking the road called minimal while focusing on one problem at a time works! Pure formulas from Dermaviduals will do the rest.








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